(the National Construction Industry Job Exchange) is a job-matching tool used by social partners in the construction sector (Filca-Cisl, Fillea-Cgil, Feneal-Uil and Ance) in order to promote decent work through free services.
The tool is provided for in the National Collective Contract of the sector in order to help to match labour supply and demand in the construction sector. is a portal where our workers can obtain information about job vacancies or training. Job seekers have two choices: they have to register themselves in the web specifying which offer they are interested in, or in case they need help, contact Scuole edili: the Italian bilateral bodies that are responsible for vocational training for building workers.
The Scuole edili (with the supervision of Formedil) not only offers a consulting service, but also manages the system of the in cooperation with public employment services.